How can I find out the engagement on my newly published website?

In the "Clients" section of your Xomio dashboard, you can access valuable information about the users who have interacted with your website. Here's what you can find:

  1. Users who signed up: This section displays the list of users who have registered on your website. You can see their names, contact information, and registration dates. It provides an overview of the individuals who have expressed interest in your services and allows you to track their engagement.
  2. Users who have shared their information: Here, you can view the users who have completed their profile on your website. It helps you keep track of their requirements. By understanding who is actively accessing their accounts, you can tailor your services and communication to better meet their needs.
  3. Interactions with the website: The "Clients" section also provides insights into how users interact with your website. You can see if they have saved collections, which are groups of listings they have saved for future reference. Additionally, you can view if they have saved searches, indicating specific criteria they are interested in when looking for properties.

By accessing this information, you can gain a better understanding of your audience's preferences, property requirements, and level of engagement. This knowledge allows you to provide personalized assistance, recommend relevant listings, and enhance the overall user experience on your website. It's a valuable resource for nurturing client relationships and ensuring that you meet their real estate needs effectively.

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