What are “Featured Listings”? How do I select one?

Feature Listing is optional section on your website, although we encourage To showcase your top listings, you can set them up as featured listings on your Xomio real estate website. Here's how to do it:

  1. Access your Website
  2. Select Pages
  3. Select Listing Details
  4. In the preview window, click the "Edit Featured Listings" button. This will allow you to search for and select the listing(s) you want to feature on your website.

Note that you must choose a minimum of 10 listings to feature, although we recommend featuring even more. It's important to regularly check your featured listings to ensure they're updated and relevant to your clients. Featured listings can be added to your website's home page, the bottom of your listing pages, and your "About Me" page.

When selecting which listings to feature, consider choosing those that match the preferences of your target clients. Take advantage of the your MLS access and feature not only your personal listings but any of the listings available in your MLS, IDX. Of course it's all branded to you!

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