What should be the size of my background image?

A good homepage is essential for any website as it serves as the face of the brand and sets the tone for the user experience. It is the first impression that users get of the website and can greatly impact their decision to stay or leave. Xomio Website does that for you in three different ways:

In the, Upload your own image section:

In the designated section, you have the option to upload your own image to personalize your website. You can easily upload an image by either dragging and dropping it into the provided space or by clicking the box and selecting the image from your computer.

For optimal performance, it is recommended to upload should be in one of the supported formats: PNG, JPG, JPEG, or GIF. The file size should be less than 2 MB to ensure smooth uploading and display on your website.

If you need assistance in creating or resizing your logo, you can use the provided template. The template can be accessed using this link and to resize your image use the free tool here.

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