How can my users contact / reach out to me?

Xomio provides multiple ways for users to contact you conveniently through your website.

  1. Contact Form: Your website will have a dedicated contact form where users can fill out their details, such as their name, email address, and message. This form allows users to reach out to you with their inquiries, requests, or any other information they want to share. When a user submits the contact form, you will receive an email notification with the details provided by the user.

  2. Message Button in Listings: In addition to the contact form, each listing on your website will have a message button. This button allows users to directly communicate with you regarding a specific listing they are interested in. By clicking the message button, users can send you a direct message or inquiry related to the property. This feature enables quick and convenient communication, enhancing the user experience and facilitating efficient interaction between you and your potential clients.

Both the contact form and the message button provide accessible and user-friendly ways for visitors to connect with you while they are navigating your website. These communication channels make it easy for users to reach out, ask questions, express interest, or seek further information about your listings or real estate services.

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