What is a website title?

A website title, also known as a webpage title or title tag, is an HTML element that appears in the head section of a webpage. It is used to provide a brief and accurate description of the content of that particular webpage. Customizing the website title is important for search engine optimization (SEO) and improving the visibility and relevance of your webpage in search engine results.

To customize the website title in Xomio, you can follow these steps:

  1. Access the Website
  2. Look for the section where you can edit the webpage title under Design Section.
  3. Click on the field where the current webpage title is displayed and make the desired changes.
  4. Add your custom title
  5. Save your changes.

When customizing the website title, it's important to consider using relevant keywords that reflect the content of the webpage. This can help improve the visibility of your webpage in search engine results and attract relevant organic traffic.

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