Can I use custom domain? How do I set it up?

Your Xomio site can be used with any domain that you own. Xomio does not sell domains, but if you already have one, or purchase one from any domain provider, you can follow these steps to use the domain for your Xomio website. But if at any time you want assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Follow these 3 simple steps to set it up:

  1. Navigate to your Xomio account settings and locate the "Custom Domain" option.
  2. Enter your custom domain name in the provided field. Please ensure that your CNAME (Canonical Name) record is properly set up on your host website. This is crucial for the successful connection between your domain and Xomio.

Here's what you need to do on your host website ie the website you purchased domain from:


  • Log in to your Manager/ Dashboard
  • Select the domain that you want to manage
  • Go to Manage DNS
  • Go to "Add New Records.
  • You will need to setup 2 records so that your domain name will work as expected whether a user puts or just without the www.
  • Copy the CNAME as mentioned in the image below:

Type: CNAME, Name: www and Value:

  • Remove any existing “A” record before adding the new one in the next step.
  • Add another Record as mentioned in the image:

    Type: A, Name: @ and Value:

Note: Please remove any existing “A” record before adding a new one to avoid issues.

  1. Once you have set up the CNAME record on your host website, go back to the Xomio Website Settings and enter your custom domain.


  • Log in to your Manager/ Dashboard
  • Select the domain that you want to manage
  • Go to Manage and DNS on the left menu bar.
  • Go to "Manage Custom Records.
  • You will need to setup 2records so that your domain name will work as expected whether a user puts or just without the www.
  • Record 1:

    Host Name: Keep it Blank Type: A, TTL: 3600 and Data:

Note: Please remove any existing “A” record before adding a new one to avoid issues.

  • Record 2:

    Host Name: www, Type: CNAME, TTL: 3600 and Data:

  1. Once you have set up and the image above on your host website, go back to the Xomio Website Settings and enter your custom domain.


  • Log in to your Manager/ Dashboard
  • Select the domain that you want to manage
  • Go to Manage and DNS on the left menu bar. Go to "DNS Records".
  • You will need to set up 2 records so that your domain name will work as expected whether a user puts or just without the www.
  • Record 1:

    Name: @, Type: A and IP Address:

Note: Please remove any existing “A” record before adding a new one to avoid issues.

  • Record 2:

    Name: www, Type: CNAME and Content:

  • Once you have set up and the image above on your host website, go back to the Xomio Website Settings and enter your custom domain.

Please note that it may take a few hours for the domain setup to propagate and for your custom domain to start directing to your Xomio website.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly connect your own domain to your Xomio website, maintaining your unique brand identity and enhancing your online presence.


When setting up a subdomain, add these extra steps to set your subdomain on your DNS settings:

Add a record on your domain setup with the following details:

Type: A

Name: global


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