What does “Preview website” mean? How does it help me?

The Preview Website feature in Xomio provides you with a visual representation of how your website will appear to visitors on the web, mobile and tablets. It allows you to review and assess any edits or customizations you have made before finalizing and publishing the changes.

By using the Preview Website feature, you can ensure that the layout, design, and content of your website are visually appealing and properly aligned. This helps you make informed decisions about the overall look and feel of your website, ensuring a positive user experience for your visitors.

This gives you an opportunity to spot any potential errors, inconsistencies, or formatting issues that may need to be addressed. This helps you maintain a professional and polished online presence, enhancing the credibility and effectiveness of your real estate website.

Overall, the Preview Website feature in Xomio empowers you to have a visual representation of your website as it will be seen by visitors, allowing you to make necessary adjustments and optimizations before making your changes live.

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