What information do I receive when a client signs up for my website?

When clients reach out to you through your Xomio website, you'll have access to their client page, which contains a wealth of information about them. By viewing their client page, you can gather valuable insights into their personal details and preferences.

On the client page, you'll be able to see their contact information, such as their phone number and email address, which allows you to easily reach out to them. You'll also have visibility into their preferred contact method, enabling you to communicate with them in the most convenient way for them.

In addition to contact details, the client page provides information about the client's time zone, address, and spoken languages. This allows you to take these factors into consideration when scheduling appointments or communicating with them effectively.

Having access to this comprehensive information through the client page empowers you to offer personalized and efficient service to your clients. By leveraging this knowledge, you can better understand their requirements, communicate effectively, and assist them in finding their ideal property.

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