What is Xomio Dashboard?

Let's take a closer look at the different sections and features of the Xomio Dashboard:

  1. Language Settings: You have the option to change the language settings of the platform here. Simply click on the language dropdown and select your preferred language.

  2. Profile Settings: This menu allows you to access and manage your profile details and settings. You can update your personal information, change your password, and configure other preferences related to your profile.

  3. Notifications: This section displays notifications related to your website and client activity. You will receive updates on new clients who have contacted you through your website, as well as any important announcements or updates from Xomio.

  4. What's Next?: This area provides you with a list of tasks or to-dos to help guide you in building and maintaining your website. It serves as a helpful reminder of the next steps you can take to optimize your website and improve your online presence.

  5. Dashboard Tab: The Dashboard tab is your homepage within the Xomio platform. Here, you will find an overview of your website's status, including any pending tasks or notifications, as well as insights on website views and other relevant metrics.

  6. Website : This is the section where you can design your website. You will have access to a range of customization options, templates, and design tools to create a visually appealing and user-friendly website.

  7. Profile: Clicking on this tab will take you to your user profile, where you can view and update your personal information. You can edit details such as your name, contact information, and other relevant data.

  8. Clients: In the Clients section, you can manage your client list. You will have the ability to view and organize your active and archived clients, and you can choose to display them in either a list or Kanban board format.

  9. Listings : This section provides you with a comprehensive view of all your listings. You can add, edit, and manage your property listings, including details such as property descriptions, images, and other relevant information.

  10. Settings: The Settings section allows you to access and configure your account settings. Here, you can make changes to your billing and subscription information, domain settings, and other account-related preferences.

  11. Need Help Button: If you require assistance or have any questions, clicking on the Help button will provide you with access to the help center. You can search for answers to frequently asked questions or submit a message to the Xomio support team for further assistance.

  12. Logout: When you're finished using the Xomio platform, you can log out of your account by clicking on the Logout button. This ensures the security of your account and information.

These different sections and features within the Xomio Dashboard are designed to help you manage and optimize your website effectively, providing you with the tools and resources you need to create a successful online presence as a real estate agent.

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