How do I set up my "Search" Page?

When customizing the Search Results page of your website, you have several options to optimize how your clients view and interact with the search results. Here are the key features and customization options available:

  1. Search Results Layout: You can choose from different layouts to determine how the search results are displayed to your clients. Explore the available options and select the one that best suits your needs and the preferences of your target audience.

  2. Number of Listings: This section allows you to specify the number of listings that will appear on the Search Results page. You can adjust this number based on your preferences and the desired user experience.

    Note that only listings under your brand will be available to your clients.

  3. Featured Listings Block: The Featured Listings block is an optional feature that allows you to highlight specific listings on the Search Results page. You can toggle it on or off according to your preference. To further customize the Featured Listings block, you can go to the "Pages" section, select "Listing details page," and then navigate to "Featured listings."

By customizing the Search Results page, you can create a visually appealing and user-friendly experience for your clients when they are searching for listings on your website. Consider the layout options, the number of listings displayed, and the inclusion of featured listings to optimize the search experience and showcase relevant properties to your clients.

Take the time to explore and experiment with these customization options to find the configuration that best represents your brand and meets the needs of your clients.

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