How do I set up Listing on my website?

When customizing the "Listing" Details page of your website, you have the opportunity to choose a template that determines the overall look and layout of your property listings. Here are the key features and customization options available:

  1. Listing Details Layout: You can select from a variety of templates to determine how your property listings will be presented to your clients. Each template has a unique design and arrangement of elements, such as property images, descriptions, features, and contact information. Explore the available options and choose the one that aligns with your brand and provides a visually appealing and informative experience for your clients.

  2. Property Features Template: This option allows you to choose a template for displaying the features and details of each property on the listing page. The template determines how the information is organized and presented to your clients, such as the layout of bullet points, icons, or descriptive text. Select a template that showcases the property features in a clear and visually appealing manner.

By customizing the Listing Details page, you can create a consistent and engaging experience for your clients when they view individual property listings. Consider the different templates available and choose the ones that best showcase your listings and provide relevant information to potential buyers or renters.

Take the time to review and experiment with the various layout options to find the configuration that enhances the presentation of your property listings and aligns with your branding and design preferences.

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