What does Kanban View consist of? How do I use the Kanban view?

In the Kanban View of your clients, you will find a visual representation of your clients' journey and various stages they go through. Let's explore the features of this view:

  1. Active Clients Tab: The Active clients tab displays all your active clients, who have signed up for an account on your website and are currently engaged with your services.
  2. Archive Tab: The Archive tab contains a list of clients that you have moved to the archive. These clients are currently inactive but can be moved back to the Active clients list when they become active again.
  3. Search Bar: You can use the search bar to quickly locate specific clients by their name, email address, or phone number. Simply type in the relevant information, and the CRM will filter and display the matching results.
  4. Client Type Filter: The Client Type filter allows you to narrow down your client list based on their type. You can choose between Seller, Renter, or Buyer, helping you categorize and segment your clients accordingly.
  5. Sorting Options: The platform provides sorting options to arrange your client list based on specific criteria. You can sort the list by Registrated date, Type, Name, or their last login. This enables you to organize and prioritize your clients effectively.

  6. Columns: Each column in the Kanban View represents a stage in your clients. The stages may vary depending on your specific workflow and business processes.

    a. Lead: When a potential client visits your website and signs up for an account, an info card is created for them, and it is automatically added to the Lead column. This column represents the initial stage of your client's engagement.

    b. Contact: Once you make the first contact with the client, you can move their info card to this column by dragging and dropping it here. This signifies that you have initiated communication with the client.

    c. Property Showings: When you start showing properties to the client, you can move their info card to this column. It indicates that you have progressed to the stage of property viewings with the client.

    d. Contract: When you reach the contract stage with the client, you can drag and drop their info card into this column to update their status. This column represents the negotiation and contract process.

    e. Closed: Once all transactions are finalized, and the client's engagement is completed, you can move their info card to this column. It signifies that the client's journey with you has reached a closed and successful stage.

By utilizing the Kanban View, you can visually track and manage your clients' progress, ensuring a streamlined and organized approach to client management.

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